Tuesday, February 3, 2009

7 Weeks Post Op

So it's been two weeks since the bands and splint were removed and it's been wonderful!! I'm very happy with my new bite and can't believe the change. I still have limited range of motion in my jaws so I'm taking baby bites of food since I can't open my mouth wide, but it's so much better than being on a liquid diet! Being able to actually bite into a sandwich with my front teeth is amazing. I don't breath through my mouth anymore and I don't snore at all which is very nice. I'm still partially numb in my lower lip and my chin is sensitive, but the feeling has come back everywhere else. All the swelling has gone down except for a little bit in my chin, but it's not noticeable except to me.

It felt like such a long process throughout the 5 weeks of Post Op, but now that it's over it feels like it flew by. To anyone who is doubting having the surgery I would say go for it. I'm so happy with everything and the ortho said I should have my braces off by summer so I can't wait!!