Thursday, November 6, 2008

Braces and Insurance Companies..

I went to my orthodontist to get Invisalign to straighten my lower teeth, oh what have I gotten myself into ;) I got my upper braces on July 7, 2008 and my lower ones on July 22. I'm scheduled for upper and lower jaw surgery in December and I cannot wait!! This is my third time in braces and I really hope three times really is the charm! I have ceramic braces on my top teeth and the metal ones on the bottom. Although at times I do feel self conscious about them it's not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. The ceramic braces are great and not noticeable at all from a distance so I can't complain at all. Hopefully I'll be in braces for less than a year for the whole process so I consider myself very lucky :)

The reason I'm getting surgery is mostly due to my difficultly breathing. It's impossible for me to breath through my nose because my lower jaw grew vertically instead of horizontally and it is constricting my airway. I also have some speech problems and I have a lot of difficultly biting off foods and chewing since only my back molars touch on each side of my mouth. Plus some jaw popping when I move my mouth in certain ways which is uncomfortable.

My surgeon submitted by paperwork to the insurance company on September 11th and I was told I'd more than likely have an answer within 2-3 weeks. Well a month went by and still no word. My mom (whom I'm so lucky to have because she's helped TREMENDOUSLY with the insurance company through this whole thing) decided to call the insurance company to check on the status of things and they said they never received my paperwork! So my surgeon's office called and the battle began. Just two weeks ago I was told that my surgery had been approved and I was so excited! I later found out that only half of the surgery was covered because they never received a request for the upper jaw surgery. Don't even ask me how that happened. So my surgeon had to resubmit the codes and as of today they said they never received the new codes. Unbelievable. They really do try and make this process as long and painful as possible to discourage you. But I'm determined to get this done so I'm going to keep going.

Only a little over a month to go! It's so crazy how close it is, I just want December to be here!

1 comment:

Katherine (Kate) said...

Hey, and welcome to blogland! I tell you, the more I read about insurance companies and the hoops you have to jump through the more my blood boils. Absolute craziness.

I guess I shouldn't give you a hard time over the short time you've had before surgery, given that it is your 3rd time and all, but REALLY...just a wee bit jealous :)

Best of luck to you with the upcoming big day. I look forward to following your experiences. Here's to easy breathing in your near future :)

ps. I hope it's okay if I add you to my Ortho bloglist? Cheers!